Tuesday, May 14, 2019


5/11/19      Clear skies at time of hive check. 55 degrees F.

There was plenty of pollen coming in.

Opening the hive up, things look good. The girls are busy.

I added some sugar water to the feeder (see above photo--the feeder is between frames in the hive).

I checked the frames. It seems that the queen is laying well.

This pic shows larvae clearly.

There are eggs, with one to each cell. If there were multiple eggs, there would likely be a problem with the queen. It could mean worker bees were laying, as well.  However, with just one egg per cell, it seems that all is well.

It looks like eggs are being laid consistently.

Here's another frame. There's lots of capped worker brood. 

Frames are filling up nicely.

There are plenty of larvae.

Burr comb scrapes off easily with a hive tool.

Now we wait.

   Nectar cells. HIVE CHECK     "Hunter Hive"      7/20/2019 Clear day. Moderate temperature. Before going ...